Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Roll the Money!"

This week we have been playing a game which involves rolling a money dice(we made those!) and recording the amounts.We play in pairs and add the amounts after 10 rolls. The person with the larger amount is the winner.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Coach Approach

Family Interviews

Our homework task was to ask an adult family member about their school experience.

We had fantastic presentations and learnt a lot about how schools have changed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Families are Different

This term we are spending time looking at different family structures. We will also look at how the roles in families have changed over time.

Week 1 Swimming

The second day of swimming saw us getting changed faster than yesterday, not loosing anything and happy in our groups. There are six groups this year with between 5 and 6 students in each group. Some teachers we remember from last year but there are a few new faces.

Lots of  children said they were tired at the end of school today so hopefully it's early to bed!!